Improving Posthospital Outcomes for People with HIV in Tanzania: The Daraja Trial

Published in JAMA on March 6, the Daraja trial found that a low-cost case management social worker intervention reduced time to HIV clinic linkage and ART initiation among hospitalized people living with HIV. The trial, which was not effective at reducing posthospital mortality, demonstrates a need to address improved inpatient clinical care and prevention of opportunistic infections.

This study, led by Dr. Robert Peck, was a collaboration between the Weill Bugando School of Medicine, Dr. Saidi Kapiga and colleagues at Mwanza Intervention Trials Unit, WCM Center for Global Health faculty faculty, and Dr. Lisa Rosen-Metsch of Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health.

An editorial published alongside the article’s release notes that this trial is a valuable addition to the sustainable and equitable options to support hospitalized people with HIV.

Read the full-length JAMA article here:             

Read the accompanying editorial here:             

Read the WCM Newsroom press release here:       

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