Get Involved

WCMC researchers have been engaging in global health service, training, and research for over a century.  Weill Cornell Medical College is one of the only medical institutions in the country with robust, long-standing scientific and medical programs in international locations. In a new millennium of globalization and increased contact, however, emerging global health issues demand more attention and support than ever before. 

There are a number of ways to get involved in Global Health, both as a part of the ongoing efforts at Weill Cornell, and as part of the greater Global Health community.  Please visit the following pages for more information on how to get involved:

Ongoing Projects and Opportunities:  Weill Cornell's commitment to global health is manifest from its strong international presence in multiple sites.  For more information on ongoing projects, please visit the Major Initiatives page and the Global Health Faculty Profiles. Additional opportunities can be found in the Global Health Links page.

Education: Elective and curricular opportunities are available for medical students, graduate students, residents, and post-doctoral fellows. Each summer we host a selected group of Y1 medical students in our Summer Research Elective who are placed at one of our internatoinal sites and attend didactic sessions online to complement their clinical experiences. 

Events: Numerous global health research, training, and policy events are held at Weill Cornell, in New York City, and across the country.

Student Groups: The Global Health Collective's goal is to connect and foster community on campus as well as build student interest in global health through engagement, collaboration, experience and connection within WCM and other schools of medicine. This is facilitated via the Office of International Medical Student Education at WCM. GHC hosts a global health seminar series for WCM students on Mondays and is currently in person. Please contact class of 2025 student leader Shakriah Ssebyala (sns4002) or class of 2026 student leader Kingsley Osei-Karikari (kio7003) for more information. 

Student Opportunities - Summer 2023 Global Health Research Elective

We are now accepting applications from WCM medical students only who will be finishing Y1 this coming spring for our Summer Research Elective. The elective begins in June 2023 after the end of Y1 classes, and ends before the start of the fall 2023 semester. 

Application Materials

If you’re interested in working in low resource areas or specifically with a member of our faculty via our elective this summer, please look at their Vivo pages linked here to see if your research interests match with a potential mentor. We then encourage you to begin conversations with faculty who align with your areas of interest to see if they have the bandwidth and resources to host a student and how you may be able to support a project. Please contact them directly to start these discussions. Those with questions about the elective can also contact Megan Urry, the Research and Training Program Manager, at

More details about application processes for our summer elective will be shared in the following weeks as well. In the meantime, again, please feel free to look into the Center’s initiatives and reach out with any questions.


Funding is available for all students who are accepted into the elective. We have a variety of funding options, including for those in underrepresented groups, and faculty will support students throughout these application processes to ensure adequate funding support.

Job Opportunities

No current listings.

Weill Cornell Medicine Center for Global Health Center for Global Health
420 East 70th Street, 4th Floor, Suite LH-455
New York, NY 10021 Phone: (646) 962-8140 Fax: (646) 962-0285