Residents and Fellows
Clinical residents at Weill Cornell have the opportunity to rotate at Weill Bugando in Mwanza, Tanzania. Please contact Lindsey Reif at ( to inquire about
doing a rotation at Weill Bugando. Please see Weill Bugando's page for more information.

Dr. Rob Peck of Weill Cornell teaching Tanzanian residents at Weill Bugando
Below is a "Story from the Field" by Dr. Christina Gagliardo who completed a rotation at Weill Bugando.
As with any new experience in a foreign place, no amount of reading and inquiring could fully prepare me for the colorful sights, sounds, smells, culture, and practices until I was in the midst of it all. My first venture into the hospital was overwhelming to all the senses...Soon I would learn the all-important greetings, and my attempts at the language would help me gain the trust of some of the patients and their parents.
I started each day going to morning report, watching the intern on call report the statistics from the day before- the number of admissions, discharges, transfers, and deaths. I listened to an explanation of a death, which often involved the intern being informed after the patient had already “collapsed.” This would be followed by a case presentation from a medical student and an assistant medical officer (AMO) student. I made a note to myself to work on presentations with the students, doing a general review of the standard format to give a case presentation. I also had the chance to give morning report, and it was a nice opportunity to demonstrate what I thought was an organized case presentation. It was met with positive feedback, and I think provided a good example of a way to present a clear history and to formulate an appropriate assessment and plan.
Ultimately, I learned so much from my experience. As a pediatrician going into infectious disease, I saw an incredible amount of pathology and disease that I would not otherwise be exposed to. I can now describe the devastating effects of tetanus and polio to parents in my clinic that are reluctant to vaccinate their children. I have a better understanding of certain African traditions and practices as they relate to childcare and health. I will approach my families from different African countries with a great deal more insight as a result of my time at Bugando and in Tanzania. I can only hope to have given as much to the students, physicians, and patients I encountered.
Dr. Christina Gagliardo and Sister Violetta, an assistant medical officer student at Weill Bugando
Read her full "Story from the Field".

Read her full "Story from the Field".
Weill Cornell Medicine Center for Global Health
Center for Global Health
420 East 70th Street, 4th Floor, Suite LH-455
New York, NY 10021
Phone: (646) 962-8140
Fax: (646) 962-0285